I’m posting this blog on April 15, the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. With all the death-related stuff I write, it’s about time I jumped aboard the good ship Titanic, that giant floating coffin of humanity. What spurred my interest, actually, was seeing the “
Titanic – The Artifact Exhibition,” at Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute last week. (The exhibit actually closed April 7, 2013, but is traveling around the United States – click here for the schedule of locations on the website
Sort of related to that is the fact that Laurel Hill Cemetery in
Philadelphia has a few Titanic-related graves, and they give educational
tours on the subject. I’ve never been on one, but I thank Laurel Hill’s
Gwen Kaminski for this
NBC video clip, "
Titanic Passengers Laid to Rest at Philly Cemetery," in which she is interviewed on the
So, April 15, 2013 is the 101st anniversary of that hideous catastrophe,
when on April 15, 1912 the Titanic struck an iceberg and sunk off
Newfoundland in the North Atlantic. Of the 2,224 passengers and crew
aboard the British ship on its maiden voyage, 1502 people died. Two of
them are buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, as is one of the survivors.
Dulles mausoleum at Laurel Hill Cemetery |
The Dulles' crypt |
One of those who died, Philadelphian William Crothers Dulles, lies
in a mausoleum in Laurel Hill Cemetery, overlooking the Schuylkill River and Kelly Drive. Ironically, the stained glass window inside depicts Christ calming the sea, so that Peter and the other apostles in their fishing boat will not be afraid. (A close-up photo of this stained glass image is seen at the beginning of this article.) Dulles' body was one of the only 328 bodies recovered of the 1502 that died.
Titanic exhibition at the Franklin Institute was a theatrical and educational presentation in addition to an extensive display of artifacts salvaged from the wreck (it was discovered in 1985 at a depth of 12, 415 feet (more than two miles!) below the ocean’s surface. I suppose my overall reaction to the exhibit was that it was intensely creepy and reminded me of death – which is why I decided to write this blog.

All my life, I've really had no more than a passing interest in the
Titanic. I only paid money to see the exhibit because I took my
three-year-old daughter to the Franklin Institute that day, for a spring
break jaunt (all her classmates no doubt were in Fort Lauderdale). The
first thing that creeped me out was the distribution of the “boarding
passes” by hostesses as you entered the exhibit. Being handed a boarding
pass to a doomed vessel gave me a weird feeling.

I didn’t know this
until after I got home, but printed on the back of the pass was
passenger information. I glanced at it when it was handed to me and just
assumed all the passes were the same. They were not. If I had paid
attention during your tour of the exhibit I would have known that there
was a big wall of names at the very end (before you were dumped into the
gift shop, a la Disney). You could find the name of the person on your
boarding pass to see if they made it out of the disaster alive. I’m kind
of glad I missed this aspect of the tour. Even now I get an unsettling
feeling just thinking about it.
Widener mausoleum, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia |
One of the other Titanic people buried at Laurel Hill is Eleanor Widener. She is buried in the large “Widener” mausoleum on “Millionaire’s Row” (a stretch of grand mausoleums of the wealthy), overlooking Hunting Park Avenue and the Schuylkill River. Eleanor survived the disaster, but her husband George and their 27-year-old son Harry did not survive. Their bodies were never recovered .and their George Widener and his 27-year-old son Harry did not survive and their bodies were never recovered. According to the NBC article, "
Philly Cemetery Holds Stories of Titanic," Eleanor and her maid boarded life boat #4, the last to leave Titanic. There were only life boats enough for half the passengers. “
Eleanor died in 1937 and her body lies in the Widener Mausoleum along with two bronze cenotaphs, or empty tombs, which serve as memorials to husband George and son Harry.”

Our two Laurel Hill Titanic people were both buried in expensive
mausoleums, you may notice. Many of the passengers aboard the Titanic
were extremely wealthy. But wealthy or
not, when you walk down the stateroom hallway in the exhibit, you
realize how death is the great leveler. Seeing the doors of the
passengers’ rooms gave me the very claustrophobic feeling of being
trapped, with nowhere to go. You wonder how the Titanic’s passengers
felt as they opened their doors and saw people running down the tilted
hallway … then of course, the whole idea brings to mind the 1972
shipwreck disaster movie,
The Poseidon Adventure (watch the movie trailer
Olive Potter's headstone, Laurel Hill |
Most people lost all their belongings, some of which you can see on the
RMSTitanic.net website. Money, jewelry, and clothing is very odd to see, knowing it was brought up from the depths of the wreck. There are the ship’s telegraph booths (for the passengers’ convenience), “waterproof” steel doors, gaslight fixtures, and fine china (all
Royal Doulton, I noticed). Among the passengers who survived were Lily Potter and her daughter Olive of Mount Airy (Pennsylvania). They boarded a life boat and were among the 705 survivors. Both are buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, in a serene family plot overlooking the Schuylkill River.
Lily Potter's headstone |
Funny how all three of the Laurel Hill Titanic-related burials are so
near the water. You would think the survivors would not want anything to
do with water again, either in life or in death. I mean, I couldn’t
even fathom the thought of standing on the light-projected outline of
the lifeboat in the exhibit. I wonder how the catastrophe affected the
survivors, whenever they saw something that reminded them of that
fateful night? Even though the thought of standing in the lifeboat
outline totally weirded me out, I playfully urged my daughter Olivia to
run over and stand on the light pattern. It scared her, and she refused.
Replica of the Titanic's luxurious central staircase (ref.) |

The other odd feeling I got was at the pay-to-have-your-photo-taken opportunity on the ship’s reconstructed grand wooden staircase. It was only $6.50, I think, so I climbed the stairs and the photographer took of photo of me holding daughter Olivia. The idea was that you later pick up and pay for your photo in the gift shop. After having the photo taken next to the angel on the stairway's center post, I thought about how unsavory this whole idea is, to transform the largest civilian maritime disaster of all time into a carnival. This was like getting your family photo taken with Goofy at Disney World. No, more accurately, it was like standing in front of your grandfather’s casket at the viewing, mugging for the camera. The angel, by the way, was actually on display as one of the retrieved artifacts. I never picked up the souvenir photo.
References and Further Information:
Watch the NBC video of Laurel Hill Cemetery,
Titanic Passengers Laid to Rest at Philly Cemetery
RMS Titanic, Inc. – The Artifact Exhibition
Titanic on Wikipedia
Franklin Institute