Conditions were perfect on the morning in question – lightly snowing, about half an inch of heavy, wet snow covering my car, 39 degrees, no wind. With any luck, the monuments and tombstones at Philadelphia’s Laurel Hill Cemetery were also lightly covered, and would stay that way for a while. Being two weeks before Easter, this was probably the last snow of winter. I wanted to take advantage of it and make some photographs to post on my ”Cemeteries in the Snow” Facebook group page.

I arrived at the cemetery about 9:30 a.m., and shot for
about two hours. The paved surfaces – the roadways – were clear of snow, which
is key to me getting good photographs. My Saab convertible is about as
effective in snow as a hoverboard. Someday I’ll get an SUV so I can
plow through the snow and get all those great photos I’ve been missing.
What kind of photographs can you get in graveyards in the snow that you can't get when there is no snow? For one thing, snow allows you to create temporary graffiti on headstones
(do clean them off after you are done so as not to irk other visitors).
"Moths are perfect symbols for cemeteries… Just think about
it. As a caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon, it appears to be dead. But after
metamorphosis takes place, it is reborn as a winged creature that is attracted
to light. The life cycle of a moth is therefore a wonderful allegory for a
loved one who passes away, is transformed & later reborn… heading to the
"Heading to the light" - I like that description.You typically only see moths at twilight, flitting around a
light of some sort. Death - in Western cultures - is typically seen as a nighttime thing, after which we eventually hope to see the heavenly light. Below is another depiction of spiritual release - the soul of the departed with wings, leaving the coffin and floating heavenward.
My buddy Frank, who had been busy working all morning, phoned me in
the early afternoon to see if I had been there. When I told him I had been there and gone, he said,
“You’re lucky you came early, there’s nothing left on any of the statues!” It
had warmed up and most of the snow had melted away. Not all my photographic
endeavors have been this successful!![]() |
Temporary graffiti, and a comment on mortality |
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Zinc monument, Laurel Hill Cemetery |
I posted several of the iPhone photographs I made during my visit on Instagram, having just opened one of these photo-based social media accounts. (Find me, Ed Snyder, as "mourningarts" on Instagram:
As a photographer, it’s good to have destination sites in
mind for when the weather decides to cooperate with your artistic tendencies. It's also good to be familiar with the site. It gives you the opportunity to use clever captions like this one for your photos:
If I had a handy cemetery lamb photo I would post that here. However, I don't, so that’s probably a wrap for my snowy cemetery excursions this year. Here in Philadelphia, we probably won't get any more snow on my favorite non-paved surfaces until next winter. Time to adjust my photographic endeavors accordingly. Next up - spring! Make hay while the sun shines, as they say!
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March certainly came in like a lion this year! |
If I had a handy cemetery lamb photo I would post that here. However, I don't, so that’s probably a wrap for my snowy cemetery excursions this year. Here in Philadelphia, we probably won't get any more snow on my favorite non-paved surfaces until next winter. Time to adjust my photographic endeavors accordingly. Next up - spring! Make hay while the sun shines, as they say!
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